Welcome! We’re so excited that you want to volunteer for Ribfest! Our volunteers are extremely important to us as our event would not happen without support from volunteers like you!
We have shifts available:
Thursday, August 8th (set up) Friday, August 9th Saturday, August 10th Sunday, August 11th Monday, August 12th (tear down/clean up).
All volunteers will receive a Ribfest t-shirt plus complimentary water, coffee, juice and food provided by Zaaz Eatery & Play while volunteering. All of these items will be located in Heritage House, which is also where you will sign in and out for your shifts.
Below you will find the form to sign up and choose your area/shifts for Ribfest weekend. Please note:
Beverage Garden volunteers must be 19 or older and have your Serving It Right Zaaz Family Fun Zone volunteers that are 19 or older must have a Criminal Record Check completed
If you would like additional shifts or have any questions about the areas/shifts/job descriptions, please email info@kamloopsribfest.com.
Once you have submitted your volunteer application, we will email you a confirmation of your shifts and more details.
Volunteer training is August 7th @ 6:00pm at Colombo Lodge. All volunteers are encouraged to come, pick up your shirt and learn about this year’s event. Make sure to put this date in your calendar!
Volunteer Pre-Appriciation Night
Pre-Appreciation Night presented by…
Pizza Provided by…
Wednesday, August 9th
6:00-8:00 pm at Colombo Lodge (around back, in the basement)
This year’s Volunteer Training night is better than ever thanks to KTW! We have pizza, refreshments and our usual fun volunteer training all in one bundle for you! We have over $600 in prizes to give out for those present thanks to our very giving sponsors. Sign-up ahead of time for your volunteer shifts .
Important Dates
Ribfest Set Up: Thursday, August 10th at Riverside Park
RIBFEST!!!!: Friday August 11th to Sunday August 13th at Riverside Park
Ribfest Tear Down: Monday, August 14th
Thank you to all our amazing volunteers! We could not do it without you!
As a way to show our appreciation, all volunteers are entered to win some amazing prizes and receive snacks and swag from our fantastic sponsors!
This event would not be possible without a great team of volunteers! Over 300 volunteers are required throughout the park to keep the event running smoothly. We’re grateful to the volunteers who have returned year after year, and are always excited to welcome new volunteers to the team!
All volunteers over the age of 18 are required to complete a Criminal Records Vulnerable Sector Check. This check is provided free of charge. The link and passcode are provided as part of your registration through our online registration portal.
All volunteers under the age of 18 require permission from a parent or guardian. This can also be completed through the online registration portal.
Are you part of a youth organization looking for fundraising opportunities? Inquire about our youth volunteer program! Your group’s volunteer hours at Ribfest could earn you a donation from our proceeds! Email info@kamloopsribfest.com for more information.
Set Up and Tear Down Dates: August 5 & 7, 2023
Shift Length: 3-4 hours
Volunteer Training Night: August 3, 2023
As always, we will have volunteer prizes to show our appreciation, including 3 cases of ribs from The Grocery People!